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Tianjin Consensus on World Technical and Vocational Education  and Training Development:

Declaration of Ministers  of 32 Countries 

  1. We, ministers from 32 participating countries, gather in Tianjin,  China, in November 2024 to attend the Ministerial Roundtable of the  2024 World Technical and Vocational Education Development  Conference to jointly outline a blueprint for developing world technical  and vocational education and training (hereinafter referred to as “TVET”). 
  2. We acknowledge that TVET is vital in promoting inclusive  employment and driving sustainable economic development through the adoption of new technologies, methodologies, and codes, thereby  strengthening social resilience. To this end, we are committed to  moving forward together by deepening international communication  and cooperation with an open and inclusive attitude, and jointly  advancing the concept, vision, initiatives, and actions for TVET  development worldwide, through releasing the Tianjin Consensus on  World Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development 

(hereinafter referred to as “Tianjin Consensus”). 

Common Concept 

  1. We recall the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable 

Development (2015), the Vision Statement from the United Nations  Transforming Education Summit (2022), and the United Nations Pact  for the Future (2024), recognize the significance of the Global  Development Initiative (2021) and the outcomes of the 2022 World  Vocational and Technical Education Development Conference, and  reaffirm the essential value of TVET for global sustainable  development. 

  1. We believe that in response to the current trend of technological  innovation, industrial upgrading, and labour market changes, all  countries should strive to build more interconnected, equitable,  inclusive, and sustainable TVET systems and steadily strengthen the  exchanges and cooperation in TVET worldwide. 

Shared Vision 

  1. Mastering skills is the foundation of a better life. Skills not only  support personal survival and growth but also empower individuals to  excel in their careers. We emphasize that skill training provides  transformative opportunities for individuals, particularly those who are  disadvantaged, to enhance their employability and entrepreneurial  ability, to help them overcome poverty and offer strong support for their  career development, ultimately enabling them to achieve self fulfillment.  
  2. Investing in skills is investing in the future. Skills are the hard currency in the labour market and the key to promoting industrial  upgrading, enhancing economic diversification, and strengthening  national competitiveness. We stress that a skilled labour force is the driving force behind economic growth, essential for improving  production efficiency, promoting industrial upgrading, and accelerating  global economic recovery. 
  3. Skill is the common language that connects all humanity. It is a  universally recognized value and ability that transcends region, race, or  country. The learning and exchange of skills promote understanding and  respect among different cultures and enhance international friendship  and cooperation. We emphasize that all countries should not only  improve the assessment of their own TVET systems to identify  opportunities and challenges, but also work to dismantle barriers,  collaborate on developing skill standards, and foster the optimal  distribution of global skill resources, injecting new vitality into the  creation of a community with a shared future for mankind. 

Joint Initiatives 

  1. We propose that governments, educational institutions and all the  other significant sectors of society place high importance on skills  development, increase investment, optimize resource allocation, and  establish a flexible and diverse TVET system to ensure that learners  acquire the skills needed for survival and growth.
  1. We propose that in response to global challenges, governments,  international organizations, businesses, and all sectors of society  collaborate actively to establish an open, fair, inclusive, and mutually  beneficial mechanism and platform for skills development, and address  the needs of the disadvantaged. This joint effort will promote the global  economy and society towards a path of greater prosperity and  sustainable development. 
  2. We propose cooperation to enhance youth’s green and digital skills  and to incorporate modules on the rational use of resources into  educational standards. 
  3. We propose collaboration in the implementation of specialized  modular programs aimed at developing vocational skills for youth in  self-employment and entrepreneurial activity, with the goal of  expanding their opportunities to secure a place in the labour market. 

Joint Actions 

  1. Prioritizing skills development. We are committed to improving the  modern TVET system, enhancing its adaptability, innovations, green skill training and other essential skills, and raising the overall quality  and employability of workers. This will lay a solid foundation for  enhancing people’s well-being and promoting sustainable economic  and social development. 
  2. Promoting dialogue and cooperation. We are dedicated to mutual understanding and learning, communication and sharing, as well as  international collaboration, establishing a mechanism for experiences  and achievements sharing in cultivating highly skilled talents,  collaborating in talent development projects, establishing a mutual  recognition mechanism for TVET qualifications and skill levels, and  working together to raise TVET standards worldwide. 
  1. Promoting integration between industry and education. We commit  to promoting international and national capacity cooperation through  innovation, facilitating the deep integration between industry and  education, and continuously enhancing the key competencies in TVET so as to provide robust talent support for economic and social  development worldwide. 
  2. Strengthening teacher training. We firmly believe that improving  education requires prioritizing teacher development. To this end, we  will establish national standards and a comprehensive training system  that effectively supports the continuous improvement of teachers’  professional capabilities and enhances orientation and professional  training. This will accelerate teachers’ ability to adapt to the demands  of cultivating highly skilled talents in the context of industrial  transformation and technological change. Furthermore, we will actively pursue international cooperation, share best practices, support regional  development, and collaborate to elevate the professional competencies of teachers worldwide. 
  1. Enhancing quality standards. We are committed to promoting the  high-quality development of TVET and continuously improve the  quality assessment and monitoring standards system oriented towards  labour market demand in each country. We urge all nations to come  together, cooperate, and work toward developing quality standards for  TVET that are aligned with global sustainable development and  universally acknowledged. This will lead to the promotion of high quality development. At the 2026 World Technical and Vocational  Education Development Conference, we will jointly initiate an  agreement to achieve substantial equivalence in TVET quality  standards worldwide. 
  2. The Tianjin Consensus represents a historic commitment made by  all parties involved. Based on this, we will strengthen cooperation, take  more effective follow-up measures, and work together to build a fair,  inclusive, and high-quality TVET system, creating a prosperous and  sustainable future for all.